Saturday, February 19, 2011

BBC Update: First Book Chosen and a Button

The voters have spoken and Sense and Sensibility will be our first BBC book!  Thank you to all those who voted and all those who are participating.  I can't wait to discuss Jane Austen's masterpiece with you all!

Discussion of Sense and Sensibility will begin on Monday March 21st and will continue through Friday March 25th.  As a reminder, responses can take one of three methods:
  • Blog post(s) that you link back to this month's introductory blog post (which will first be published on Monday March 21st)
  • Comments on any of the member's blog posts
  • Email groups
If you'd like to take part in the email group, please let me know at ktrefinishingschool[at]gmail[dot]com and I will get it set up!

I've also created a button, located on the left of the home page for you to take and use.

I hope you like it and thank you again for being a part of the BBC!

For anyone who would still like to take part in the BBC, you are more than welcome to join us!  Just leave me a message or email me so I can add you to our BBC members listing on The Library page.  For more details, click here to view the original post.

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. Great! I just started the book!

  2. Love the button and can't wait to get started! On my way to get the book!

  3. @ ...and that's a true story: Yay! Me too--is it weird that in my head I read it in a Jane Austenian accent? :)

    @ Jeri Lynne: Awesome! I'm a few pages in myself and love it so far--hopefully you do too!

  4. Haven't started yet, but I have it and am ready to go!

  5. @ Kyria: Great! Can't wait to hear what you and all the lovely ladies think :)

  6. Hahaha, I am SO glad you're reading it in your head with an accent! That is definitely the best way to go!


Thanks for finding my blog and taking the time to leave a comment!

I try to respond to everyone's comments either below your comment itself or through email. Please be sure to link your email address to your account so we can chat!