
Every Wednesday I share pictures and memories from my past.  Here are a few stories I've shared so far:

When we moved from Omaha to South Pasadena, CA

When we spent a white (sand) Christmas in South Pasadena 

When we would sing Christmas carols and have a progressive dinner at my grandparents

One of our many visits to the University of Notre Dame

When my sister and I fed the birds in front of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris

How we came to be the parents of our cat, Woods, as told from his perspective

A look back at some warm memories on a cold winter day

How we got to hear President Obama speak during Abraham Lincoln's bicentennial

How my mom, sister and I drove across the western half of the United States one summer

How J and I spent our first Valentine's Day together and I share a love letter about our first weeks together

When J and I got a private tour of a presidential library and got to view a very rare piece of American history

How I've celebrated pets' birthdays over the years, including Woods' first birthday!

New stories appearing weekly, so stay tuned!