Friday, December 10, 2010

My 100th Post

I checked, then double, then triple checked.  Yes, this is my 100th post.  Yipee!

I can hardly believe that I'm already made it to 100 posts here on KT's Refinishing School.   It doesn't seem that long ago that I was writing my first post.  At that time, 100 posts seemed daunting and impossible.  I wasn't even sure a blog was something I wanted to have, let alone keep up, which is why my posts were so spotty in the beginning.  Thanks to Ashlee (who finally has her own blog, check it out!) and Clever Betty, I was continually inspired and encouraged to keep going...and going...and going.  And here we are!

I couldn't have made it this far without them and the unwavering support of J, who has never so much as batted an eye at my new and somewhat different hobby--even when it means I'm typing away as we watch TV together or I'm blabbing over dinner about a new blog I've discovered and devoured.

I have updated my design a bit in honor of the occasion.  If you are reading this from Google Reader or your email, visit me to see the latest!

I think this occasion also calls for a little recap so here we go.  Since I started blogging I've:

Cooked and shared over 18 recipes!

Visited lions and tigers in Ste. Genevieve

Completed a bedroom redesign for J

Read and reviewed four books

Been featured on a blog

Created a list of 130 things to do before I turn 30

Started achieving those 130 things

Started a weekly feature

Shared Ashlee's mini makeovers: here and here

Learned to find joy in simple pleasures

Drank lots of tea!

Shared the contents of my purse

Decorated for the holidays: here, here and here

Gotten married and changed my last name!

Talked a lot about Woods

I am excited and encouraged to keep blogging, keep reading and keep sharing.  Thanks for being a part of my journey here and for all the ways, big and small, you have kept me going.  Cheers!

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