Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reading List: 1/19-3/8

It's been a while since I ventured to the library and even longer since I shared with you my reading list, so I thought I would remedy both of those situations pronto!

Last night after work I went to the library to check out some new books.  I wanted to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings but both had been completely checked out of our library and other local libraries.

Instead, I came home with these treasures:

1) The Wolves of Andover by Kathleen Kent:  I thoroughly enjoyed Kathleen Kent's previous novel, The Heretic's Daughter about the Salem witch trials, and am excited about this book.  Set earlier than her first novel, this book combines my interest in monarchies (with a connection in the story to King Charles I) and early American history.  It promises to be a quick and exciting read!

2) Hot Time in the Old Town by Edward Kohn: A nonfiction piece about the great heat wave of 1896 in New York which killed more people than the Chicago Fire of 1871 or the New York City draft riots in 1863 and allowed a relatively unknown low-level politician Theodore Roosevelt beat William Jennings Bryant for the presidency.  The Gilded Age is one of my favorite times to read about and study in American history, so I look forward to reading more about this heat wave and its aftermath.

3) Queens Consort by Lisa Hilton: I love monarchy history, especially that of England.  This nonfiction book looks at twenty queen consorts between 1066 and 1503 and the strength they demonstrated and the trials they went through at a time that was very unforgiving of strong, independent women.  I know a great deal about the Tudor queens, but look forward to learning more about their earlier predecessors!

I have noticed a theme when it comes to my book selections.  They often fall into one of three categories: royal history, early American colonist history, and historical nonfiction with the occasional best seller thrown in.  What can I say, I know what I like!

What are you currently reading?

1 comment:

  1. Hi KT! I love monarchy history as well. I recommend The White Queen - pre-Tudor and an excellent page-turner. I'm looking forward to reading about Eleanor of Aquitaine next! Thanks for supporting my blog - I'm your newest follower :)

    P.S. Let me know what your husband thinks about the coffee!


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